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p5-X11-Protocol Interface to the X11 protocol
paragui Cross-platform high-level application framework and GUI library
pixman Library of low-level pixel manipulation routines
plan (V) Schedule planner based on X/Motif
planner (V) Project management tool for the GNOME desktop
polclock (V) Digital clock with some nice graphics effects
printproto Print extension headers from
py-gnome-bindings (V) Meta-package for Python bindings for the GNOME desktop
py-gnome2 Python binding for GNOME2
py-gnome2-desktop Python modules for the GNOME desktop
py-gnome2-extras Python binding for GNOME2
py-gtk2 Python bindings for GTK+2
py-gtksourceview Python bindings for gtksourceview2
py-kde4 Python bindings for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
py-kiwi Framework and a set of enhanced PyGTK widgets
py-Pmw Python meta widgets
py-qt3-base Python binding for Qt3
py-qt3-modules Various Python modules for Qt3
py-qt3-qscintilla Python binding for QScintilla
py-qt4 Python binding for Qt4
py-qt4-qscintilla QScintilla -- Python bindings --
py-sip Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
py-Tk Tkinter -- Python interface to Tcl/Tk
py-vte Python bindings for the Vte terminal widget
py-wxWidgets Python bindings for wxWidgets
py-xcbgen XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
py-Xlib Functional X client library for Python
qnetwalk (V) QNetwalk is a Qt-version of the popular NetWalk game
qt3 meta-package for the QT GUI C++ toolkit
qt3-docs Documentation for the QT C++ X GUI toolkit
qt3-libs C++ X GUI toolkit
qt3-mysql QT mysql driver
qt3-pgsql QT postgresql driver
qt3-qscintilla Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt
qt3-tools QT GUI (WYSIWYG) builder and other tools
qt4 meta-package for the QT GUI C++ toolkit
qt4-creator Cross-platform IDE for Qt and C++
qt4-docs Documentation for the QT C++ X GUI toolkit
qt4-libs C++ X GUI toolkit
qt4-mng QT MNG image format plugin
qt4-mysql QT mysql driver
qt4-pgsql QT postgresql driver
qt4-qdbus QT DBus support
qt4-qscintilla Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt
qt4-sqlite3 Qt4 sqlite3 driver
qt4-tiff QT TIFF image format plugin
qt4-tools QT GUI (WYSIWYG) builder and other tools
qwt Qt widget library for technical purposes
qwt-qt4 Qt widget library for technical purposes
qwt6-qt4 Qt widget library for technical purposes
qwtplot3d-qt4 3D-widgets for qt4
randrproto Randr extension headers from modular
rapidsvn (V) Cross-platform Subversion GUI
ratmen Allows you to create X menus from the shell
razor-qt Advanced, fast Qt environment without window manager
rclock (V) Analog clock for X w/appointment reminder and mail notification
recordproto Record extension headers from
rendercheck XRender test application
renderproto Render extension headers from modular
renderproto9 Render extension headers
rep-gtk2 GTK2 librep bindings (used by wm/sawfish)
resourceproto Resource extension headers from
rgb RGB color database
rox-session Very simple session manager
rox-wallpaper For setting the backdrop
ruby-gnome2-gtk Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
ruby-gnome2-gtk3 Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
ruby-gnome2-vte Ruby binding of vte
ruby-tk Ruby interface to the Tk widget set
ruby-wxruby Cross-platform GUI library for creating desktop applications
rxvt Low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color
rxvt-unicode Clone of rxvt supporting Xft fonts and Unicode
sakura Sakura is a terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE that supports tab
sawfish (V) Extensible window manager that is fully configurable in Lisp
scrnsaverproto ScrnSaver extension headers from
sessreg Manage utmp/wtmp entries for xdm
setxkbmap Set the keyboard map using the X Keyboard Extension
slock Simple X11 screen locker
space_dapp Tiny dock app to create an empty space
speyes South Park XEyes clone
ssystem Solar System Flyby Simulator
stalonetray Stand-alone system tray
startup-notification X11 application startup notification library
startup-notification010 X11 application startup notification library
stooop (V) Simple Tcl Only Object Oriented Programming scheme
sunclock (V) Show which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun
swisswatch (V) Swiss railway clock emulation, and a fancy default appearance
tile X11 Window Tiler
tint2 Tint2 is a simple panel/taskbar
titrax (V) Little X11 tool to track project times
tk Graphical toolkit for TCL
tk-BWidget High-level Widget Set for Tcl/Tk
tk-Tix Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
tkcron (V) Graphical frontend to crontab
tkinfo Tk script to read and display GNU info files
tktable Full-featured 2D table widget for Tk
transset Utility for setting opacity property
trapproto Trap extension headers